Fasteners are some of the smallest and yet most important tools available. They’re used in many applications. Using the right ones is essential for the durability and safety of your project.
Since they are so small, you may think it’s not a big deal to cut corners in this area, but this is not the case.
Keep reading to learn the importance of selecting the right fastener for the job.
Cutting Corners is Dangerous
We all want to find ways to make our work go faster so we can move on to the next thing. It’s almost second nature for us to look for shortcuts and loopholes that make things even just a little bit easier for us.
With many projects, especially construction projects, cutting corners like this is extremely dangerous.
Say, for example, that you need a fastener that you don’t have with you at your job site. You might be tempted to make do with some of the fasteners you have on site, rather than go out and find or purchase the right ones for the job.
Doing this may be a solution for the moment, but it could be incredibly dangerous down the line and weaken your assembly. Even if you don’t hurt yourself, you’re always risking hurting someone else later on and potentially damaging the project.
The Type of Fastener Depends On the Job
There are many different types of fasteners, which ones you use will depend greatly on the type of job you’re doing.
There are four main types of fasteners and each benefit different types of jobs:
- Bolts: Bolts are great for more permanent fastening jobs. They’ll keep whatever you’re fastening tightly secured.
- Screws: Screws are best for wood fastening jobs. They’ll effectively cut through the wood or whatever construction material you’re using and fasten it to nearly any surface.
- Nuts: Nuts will work in tandem with bolts for any secure fastening jobs that you require.
- Rivets: Rivets are the most permanent type of fastener and cannot be removed or replaced.
Be sure to select a fastener based on its primary application, material, and size. Next, consider industrial standards for strength and corrosion and the required assembly process and tools to get the job done.
Right Fasteners Mean Better Work and Cost-Savings
As we mentioned earlier, the temptation to cut corners often comes from a place of wanting the work to go faster or easier. However, did you know that you will actually have an easier time if you use the right tools?
You’ll find that your fastening jobs will go much more smoothly if you use the correct fasteners. Your use of time and resources will be more efficient and you’ll probably save money as you won’t have to go back and fix problems.
Using the right fastener is always better than cutting corners and is actually proven to increase productivity.
What is the Right Fastener for the Job?
If you need assistance selecting the right fastener, take a look at our catalog. Once you have determined which is the right one for your job, contact us to get a quote.
Automated Fastening Systems has been in the business of high-quality tools and fasteners since 1982. We stock a wide variety of specialty fasteners, anchors, power tools and accessories for commercial as well as residential construction. Our years of experience and our highly trained sales staff help us to determine the proper tool or fastener for your job.